Tina Olson Grande, MHS

President and Chief Executive Officer
Tina Olson Grande, MHS, is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Healthcare Trust Institute (HTI), an alliance of the nation’s leading healthcare organizations committed to promoting and implementing effective privacy and security protections for health information that engender trust in the healthcare system and allow for the advancement of treatments, cures and improved healthcare quality for individuals and populations. HTI members, which include companies, organizations and trade associations from across the U.S. healthcare economy, agree that a strong national privacy standard for health information is needed to protect sensitive data an.d spur medical innovation.

Ms. Grande is a frequent speaker on health issues and her work has been published on numerous occasions. She is a board member of the Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine. She also serves on the Core Advisory Group of the National Special Pathogen System of Care, a public-private partnership whose mission is to provide a coordinated and standardized network of hospitals for patients suspected of or known to be infected by a special pathogen in the United States. Ms. Grande is co-founder of Friends of HL7, a coalition of organizations and individuals who are supportive of HL7’s role as a standards development organization in advancing data interoperability and information sharing in healthcare.

Prior to leading HTI, Ms. Grande served for 17 years as Executive Vice President for Policy at the Healthcare Leadership Council, a coalition of chief executives of healthcare companies advocating for consumer-centered health reform, emphasizing the value of private sector innovation. Prior to HLC, Ms. Grande was Health Policy Director for Arnold & Porter LLP, where she advised clients in several different healthcare sectors as well as foreign governments on Medicare and other U.S. health policies.

During her time as a California entrepreneur in the early 2000s, Ms. Grande launched the Medicare Advisory Group, Inc. a San Francisco-based healthcare policy and technology company providing hospitals and long-term care facilities with a software solution to ease the complexity of managing Medicare regulations.

Ms. Grande launched her career in health policy working in the U.S. Senate for Senator Dave Durenberger from Minnesota. From there she went on to work at the Health Care Advisory Board, and Patton Boggs LLP. She also was Research Director at the Institute for the Future in Menlo Park, California where she forecasted key trends in healthcare, emerging technologies, and corporate strategic planning.

Ms. Grande received her Master of Health Science degree from The Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and her Bachelor of Arts from St. Olaf College. In her spare time, she serves on her local government’s school health advisory board, and most importantly – is raising three boys with her husband, Marc.

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